Notable Christian Comics Series
The Standard Publishing Company Comics
"The Bible Visualized" comics series
(The "Life of... Visualized" comics)
Standard launched The "Bible Visualized" series in 1942.
That year "The Life of Jesus Visualized" was published as three softcover books of 48 pages each, including covers, and was distributed together in a cardboard wrapper or folder (shown here, at right).
Standard followed with "The Life of Joseph Visualized" in 1946, and two "New Testament Heroes - Acts of Apostles Visualized" comics in 1947. In that same year they also released "Parables Jesus Told" and "The Life of Esther Visualized," which may have been the final titles in the "Bible Visualized" series.
All three "Life of Jesus Visualized" books were reissued under one cover in 1970, along with "Parables Jesus Told."
"The Life of Jesus Visualized" has been translated into Japanese, French, and some African languages, reportedly.
Apparently all editions and versions of the "Bible Visualized" books are now out-of-print.
Series covers:
"The Life of Jesus Visualized: From Bethlehem's Manger to Calling of the Twelve"
No. 1051 Book One in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1942 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artists: Fred D. Lohman, William E. Fay, and possibly 3 other artists known only by last name (Stemler, Rolfsen, Frohliger)
"The Life of Jesus Visualized: The Ministry"
No. 1052 Book Two in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1943 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artists: Fred D. Lohman, William E. Fay, and possibly 3 other artists known only by last name (Stemler, Rolfsen, Frohliger)
"The Life of Jesus Visualized: The Triumphal Entry to the Ascension"
No. 1053 Book Three in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1943 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artists: Fred D. Lohman, William E. Fay, and possibly 3 other artists known only by last name (Stemler, Rolfsen, Frohliger)
"The Life of Joseph Visualized"
No. 2058 in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1946 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artist: William E. Fay

"New Testament Heroes - Acts of Apostles Visualized - Book One"
No. 2055 in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1947 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artist: Fred D. Lohman.
"New Testament Heroes - Acts of Apostles Visualized - Book Two"
No. 2056 in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1947 (?) - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artist: Fred D. Lohman.
"Parables Jesus Told"
No. 2054 in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1947 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artist: Anthony Abruzzo
"Life of Esther Visualized"
No. 2062 in the "Bible Visualized" Series, 1947 - 48 pages, including self-cover - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artist: Anthony Abruzzo
"The Life of Jesus Visualized"
The 1970 reprint edition - 194 pages + cover, full color - Editor: Dorothy Fay Foster - Artists: Fred D. Lohman, William E. Fay, Anthony Abruzzo, others
"Bible Hero Stories" [1 title?]
In 1975 Standard also produced "Paul" by Joe Maniscalco, possibly as part of a "Bible Hero Stories" series of comics. It has been reported to be "like a religious comic book," but nothing more is known about this title or possible series.
"Bible Story Cartoons" series [16 -24 titles]
Information and covers will appear at a later date, Lord willing.
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